The Fishgod Family

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Let it snow!!!

Imagine our surprise when we woke up this morning to snow! The weather man had said it would be in the low 40s last night......

This picture is our back patio furniture.
Troy even got to write in the snow on his window!

This was the scene in our front yard about 7am.

It was a really beautiful sight!

The kids are both amused by the snow! It's a good thing, because tonight it is supposed to drop into the low 20s and we are expecting snow or ice tomorrow. My school even warned us that we may have a "snow day" tomorrow!


  1. Enjoy it Betsy, you will get more. Maybe a white Christmas. Just watch your driving. Uncle Jim

  2. I never associated Texas and snowing...the weather seems crazy there!
