The Fishgod Family

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Update direct from Troy

I am cutting and pasting the email that Troy sent today for those that did not receive the initial email.

Hey everyone,

I just got back from the surgeons office and it’s looking like my body just doesn’t do well with steroids since they haven’t worked on my neck or back. So we talked about my back and he informed me that on the original mri, I have a disc tear around t10/t11. He said sometimes people will have a tear without any pain but others there may be fluid leaking which irritates the joints and tissue. He didn’t tell us about it before because he treats the pain and not the scan. So this next one will be an epidural and a massive steroid injection. He said one or two of these should take care of it as they will be using their strongest steroids. These are great doctors and they do everything according to protocol. They won’t waiver, skip a step or anything. He really doesn’t want to cut the nerves so we’re doing one or two of these and if there’s no relief then we’ll do a block test and then cut the nerves.

So there you have it, you know everything that I know!


Monday, April 18, 2011

And so it goes.....

Troy's procedure does not appear to be helping his pain levels. He sees the doctor tomorrow for follow up and will (hopefully) find out what comes next. In the meantime, he is back in physical and occupational therapies.

Megan is continuing her physical therapy and doing well. Last Friday, her range of motion in her shoulder was 44% and today it was 67%. That is a huge jump and she is thrilled!

We are finally getting the hang of getting everyone where they need to be at the right times. I leave for school about 6:30 am so I can get stuff done before students arrive at 7:35. Megan rides the bus and leaves about 7:15. I dismiss students at 3pm, and leave school by 3:30 to pick up Troy and take him to physical therapy. Megan rides the bus home and arrives home about 4:15, which is when I get back from taking Troy to PT. Megan has a snack, then we head back to the therapy place by 5:00. From 5-6:15, Megan has PT and Troy has OT. When they are both done, we come home about 6:30 pm, prep dinner, Megan and I do homework, and we try to have some chill time. It makes for long days 3 times a week, but they are both benefiting and that makes us happy!

While they slave away at therapy, I have become a master at a mindless game on the iPad called "Coin Dozer". Do you remember that game at the arcade that looks a little like this?Well, I am the master of the game! I know I could make better use of my time sitting there, but it sure feels good to do something mindless for a little bit!

It's starting to get hot here......91 degrees today. There was talk at school that it might be "too hot to go out for recess". I muffled my laugh when I realized they were serious.

And so it goes in the Gilchrist house.


Friday, April 8, 2011

Here we go......

The time has come to attack Troy's lower back pain. Today we will head to the surgery center for some facet injections which will hopefully alleviate his pain in that area. Here is a description:

A facet joint injection serves several purposes. First, by placing numbing medicine into the joint, the amount of immediate pain relief you experience will help confirm or deny the joint as a source of your pain. That is, if you obtain complete relief of your main pain while the facet joints are numb, then these joints are likely your pain source. Furthermore, time-release cortisone will be injected into these joints to reduce any presumed inflammation, which can, on many occasions, provide long-term pain relief.

I have to tell you, my husband is the most amazing man I have ever met (well, in addition to my Dad). Troy has been dealing with this pain for 9 months now. This is his 9th procedure to try and get him back to where he was before the accident happened. Through it all, he does his best to stay positive, live life, and ignore the pain. Let's hope that today's procedure works and he can be pain free.

I love you Troy!