The Fishgod Family

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A New School Year

If life is measured in the moments that take my breath away, then I am having one hell of a life this week!

I have a large class of kindergarteners. There are 18 of them. Two are identified as having special education needs. One has not yet been identified, but we are expediting that process. This week he has tried to drink a bottle of glue, licked glue, crumbled crayons, run away on the playground, come out of the bathroom with underwear and pants around his ankles, licked the windows, licked the hallway walls, and cut his own hair and clothes.

Fortunately, I work for an excellent district! My principal, who is amazing, listened to my concerns on Monday. She has assigned several aides to be in the classroom so he has 1:1 at all times so I can teach the remaining children. One of the behavior interventionists came and observed him today. Fortunately, she and I worked together on Steven's programming and she said I was doing all of the interventions she would have recommended. Great......

My other 17 students are a handful....but what group of 5 year olds aren't? But, they have me wrapped around their fingers already. Today, several of them told me they "love" me. It is so cool to hear that and get hugs several times a day.......who cares about timing?

On Monday, I seriously doubted I could make it through the school year. Tuesday was a lot better and I was thinking I could survive. Today, something clicked. They remembered how to walk in a line, how to raise their hands to talk, and even corrected each other when someone didn't follow the rules. I think this year might turn out okay.


Friday, August 20, 2010

Meet the Teacher Night

Last night was meet the teacher night for my kinder students. It's amazing how little they all are when they arrive at the beginning of the year.

I had 18 students enrolled as of last night. About 14 showed up with their parents. They were all on their best behavior and nobody even cried.....well, except a few of the moms!

I asked how many of them were sending a kiddo off to kindergarten for the first time. More than half of my class raised their hands. I reminded them that this is the time they have waited for, wished for, and dreaded since they had their babies. I assured them that I remember how it felt to send my own two babies to kinder and how much they learned and grew and made friends, etc. They seemed to take it well and seemed reassured when they found out that I am a mom. Strangely, they don't want to know all about the academics, they just want to know that someone will care about their child and keep their child safe. I think I fooled them into thinking I might be that person:)

Several of my students are very memorable after only 30 minutes in the room together! There is the little boy who made me a necklace and beautiful card that say "You Rock!". There is the little girl who told me she "already know how to just gotta teacher me the numbers." And, the little girl who stood in front of me, bouncing on her toes saying, "I am just SOOOOOOOO excited to be in your class." I swear I thought she might pee her pants in excitement! They all have so much enthusiasm and I truly feel privileged to be their first teacher. (Remind me of that when I am pulling my hair out while teaching them this year!)

I always get excited for the beginning of the school year. Some years more than others. This year, I am truly excited because I know my school, my teaching team, and everyone involved at our school are committed to helping each child reach their highest potential. The kids are the real focus and it shows in the programs offered. This year, I'm as excited as I was my first year teaching........enthusiasm coupled with realism.....and still knowing my students will have a great year too!

I'm going to enjoy my last weekend before school starts and hit the halls running on Monday morning! Hope you all have a nice weekend too!

Troy Update

I took Troy to his follow up yesterday. This was a follow up for the procedure done last Friday. We got there at 11:30 and met with the nurse first. She asked a million questions, then went and got the doctor. The doctor asked more questions, then did some quick neuro checks requiring Troy to follow directions and put his hands and arms into various positions.

After the exam, we talked to the doctor more about the continuing symptoms which include short term memory challenges and forgetting words for common things like salt. The doctor recommended that we try another round of injections, but this time would be a different medication and a different placement. Last time, they put the drug in the epidural area and let it travel to the affected area. This new procedure would involve injecting the medication directly into the nerves at the joints C2-3, C3-4, and C4-5.

Troy and I readily agreed that he would do anything to get out of the pain he has been in since the accident. By now, it is 12:30. The doctor came back and said, "Okay, you will need to be at the surgical center at 3:15 and procedure will be at 4:15pm." Today. YAY!

We went to the center and Troy had the procedure done. They were able to get him done and out the door by 6pm so I could make it to meet the teacher night at school at 7pm. The doctor advised that Troy would have MORE pain for the next 12-24 hours because of all of the muscles and nerves they navigated through. He was right. Last night was hell for Troy. We are hoping he will get some relief as today progresses.

I asked the doctor what happens if this doesn't work. He said the next step is a nerve blocker and lesion, which basically paralyzes the nerve. If that doesn't work, then discectomy and fusion. Please pray that this is successful!

During the course of all this, Troy mentioned going back to work on Monday. The doctor looked at me incredulously. I explained that Troy is a workaholic, had been off work, and was anxious to get back to work. The doctor nicely explained to Troy that it is "not feasible for you to try to work with the neurological deficits you are experiencing." Troy took that in stride. Then asked the same question 5 minutes later.....not remembering that he had just asked that question. Which illustrates part of the neurological deficits the doctor is referring to.

The neuro psychological evaluation is scheduled for Monday, Aug. 30th. Follow up for yesterday's procedure is September 2. The earliest he will be able to get back to work is Sept. 7.

In the meantime, he is bored out of his mind and needs something to keep his brain busy and fill his days. If you have any great ideas, please share them!

Love to all,

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, off to the doctor we go

The Fishgod family is really hitting the doctors this week..... Monday, Troy met with the neurologist for the nerve conduction study. The test is very painful and involved sticking needles into his muscles and providing a little electric shock to measure reaction time. Megan and I had a follow up appointment at the dentist.

Tuesday, Megan got to finally have her sports physical for JV swim team. That went well and she is ready for swim team on Monday!

Wednesday, I had a follow up with my surgeon. I am given the all clear and the doc is proud of my progress. I am averaging 3.7 pounds lost per week and will go back in 6 more weeks. My total weight loss is 38 lbs as of today. It feels good.

Tomorrow is a big day. We are seeing the pain specialist again since Troy has not experienced any relief from the injection last week. We tried to go out to dinner this evening and he was miserable after about a half an hour. When I spoke with the nurse on Tuesday, she indicated the doctor would discuss the care plan options regarding another injection or going in a different direction. She was very vague when answering my questions.

This morning, we finally got the truck back from the body shop. It looks great, runs great, and will sit in the driveway for a while!

Tomorrow is a big day for Megan and I as well. She gets to pick up her high school schedule and textbooks. I have "meet the teacher" at school tomorrow night. I wish they would call it "meet the student" because teachers are equally excited to see who is in our class!

We have been very fortunate to have great people stepping in to help us out. Our friend's sister, Erika, has been driving Troy to various appointments and even took him to visit a cake shop to get him out of the house. He's bored without being able to work and frustrated at his physical limitations. The ladies from my Bible study dropped off prepared meals for this week, which has really helped since I am juggling being back at work and trying to get ready for school to start next week and leaving in time for the various appointments. Tomorrow we will hopefully get the details about what next week will involve and we can figure out those logistics at that time.

That's it for now.....


Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Village People

There is a big church nearby called "The Village". Their church mission includes serving the community. They have recently adopted my elementary school campus and have committed to several service days. Saturday was our first service day.

Our principal sent an email to all teachers asking who would like some help in our classrooms. She envisioned 20-30 helpers from "The Village People" to be onsite helping. I immediately replied that I would love some help setting up my new classroom. After 8 years of teaching, the thrill of creating bulletin boards and name tags has diminished!

When I went to school on Saturday, I was shocked at the turnout. There were literally 200 or more volunteers from the church! Each teacher got anywhere from 3-7 volunteers in their classroom! The volunteers who helped me were two amazing women and the husband of one of them. They helped me get my classroom 99% ready for school. Name tags are on tables, name tags are on lockers, posters are on the walls, the alphabet letters are on the wall, bulletin boards are hung, bookcases were assembled, tables were lowered, whiteboards were cleaned, supplies were taken to the storage closet, and they even hung the cute ribbons that hang from the ceiling to clip student work on! My new classroom was transformed from chaos to a cute kindergarten classroom ready for kids!

Another 75 volunteers from the church were outside doing schoolwide improvements. When I left, I was amazed at the transformation at our school! Bulletin boards in the hallways were all decorated, new textbooks and supplies were delivered to every individual classroom, backpacks and school supplies were assembled to donate to our students who need them. Someone told me there was team of about 50 people outside collecting trash, painting football and baseball field lines, painting the goal posts, and even changing the letters on the marquee!

Somewhere in there, they even managed to make hamburgers and have pizza delivered for everyone!

I was talking with my friend Ruth the other day and she reminded me that there are people in this world who just want to help people and don't require anything in return. We've always been blessed with having close friends and family members who are like that. But, this is the first instance I have ever experienced total strangers stepping up and helping total strangers. It was a very amazing day.

Lots to Share

Lots to share.....

1. idea why it's there. I can't figure out how to remove it and don't have the patience to try tonight. I will put it on my list:)

2. Troy--no improvement from Friday's procedure. I need to call the pain specialist tomorrow and see what we do next. Troy has a nerve conduction study tomorrow with the neurologist which will help to identify which nerves are affected by the spinal stenosi. Please keep him in your prayers because he is really getting down in the dumps. The chronic pain, coupled with lack of sleep, is taking its toll on him.

3. Megan--finishing her summer book project and gearing up for high school. She gets her schedule and textbooks this week. We went shopping for school clothes and backpack. She is going to be a fashion model!!!

4. Steven--doing great and enjoying his summer. They are keeping busy doing a bunch of activities. We will be going down to visit as soon as Troy can make the drive.

5. Betsy--starts back to school tomorrow. It will be a busy week with all the excitement of school starting, getting doctor visits done, picking up Meg's schedule and textbooks, and my "meet the teacher" night. Fortunately, a church adopted our school and I was able to get a lot of stuff done in my classroom. I am going to post a separate blog posting about that because it really touched me.

Hope everyone has a great week!


Friday, August 13, 2010

Today is the day

We will be going for Troy's procedure. We are very hopeful this will alleviate his pain. I called the doctor's office yesterday and they answered all of my questions.

My first question was how soon he should feel relief. The nurse said many patients feel relief almost immediately, although the injection site can be a little uncomfortable. Please send up a little prayer today for Troy to feel some peace from this pain.

I will post later tonight to let you know how it went.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Update on Troy

Instead of calling everyone, I am just posting this on the blog and will text you all to review the blog. I hope you understand that this is the easiest way to update everyone quickly.

This morning, the neurosurgeon came in and said that Troy has to try two other non surgical interventions before he is a candidate for surgery. He referred us to a great pain management spine specialist and said that he would release Troy from the hospital to go to the appointment. He also said he would not release him until we could get an appointment. I called the pain specialist and was able to get Troy an appointment at 11am today.

We went and really like the doctor. The pain meds from the hospital were wearing off when we met with him, so he got to see Troy's functioning level. He also was concerned about the memory issues and speech apraxia. Troy asked the same question three times in less than 10 minutes and the doctor grinned at me because he understood what I had been referring to only minutes before. Here is the gameplan as of today:

1. Steroid injection in the cervical vertebraes 4,5,6,7. This will hopefully alleviate the stenosis.

2. Mass amounts of heavy duty drugs to get through until Friday's injection. The pharmacist and the doctor both talked to me about not allowing Troy to drive, operate heavy machinery, etc. The doctor said to keep the drugs going around the clock.

3. Troy is not allowed to lift ANYTHING. Even a gallon of milk is too much. He also cannot stretch, crane his neck, twist, or swivel.

4. He is signed off work until 8/23 at the earliest possible return date.

5. He has been diagnosed with post concussion syndrome. Because his symptoms are continuing, it is officially called a "traumatic brain injury" classified as a "closed head injury". They are referred him to neuropsychological testing and rehabilitation.

6. He will also be referred to physical therapy once the steroid injection has taken effect and improved his range of motion.

That is all the info we have right now. I have to research on the internet more and gather more questions.....I think we were both too numb to think of anything at that time.

Troy is home now and is sleeping as I type this. I am hopeful we can keep him comfortable and that Friday's procedure gives him long term relief.

Love to you all,

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Gypsy Curse

It's been a busy few days for the Fishgod Family. Troy has not recovered well from our car accident and took a turn for the worse on Saturday. Since the accident, he has had extreme pain in his neck and back. The doctors diagnosed him with a concussion and said his memory issues and speech issues would get better. But, he hasn't gotten better.

Yesterday we ended up coming to the hospital because the pain was unbearable. We finally got a doctor who thought that a month of suffering was long enough.

Troy was admitted to the hospital yesterday and spent 24 hours at that hospital. The MRI shows a bone chip in his neck that is pinching his nerves. This is the cause of the numbness and tingling in the extremities.

They confirmed the original diagnosis of concussion and he has post concussion syndrome. The doctors assure us his memory issues and speech challenges will get better in time. They said his brain took quite a knock from the airbag and it will take some time to recover from that.

He was transferred via ambulance to Plano Presbyterian Hospital in Plano. They are being very aggressive with his pain management and the neurosurgeon will be coming to see him soon....most likely tomorrow.

That's all we know so far. I'll try to post more updates here as we get them.