The Fishgod Family

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Chain Letter

Somehow the chain letter idea worked! On Friday, I was sitting around relaxing, eating bon bons and watching soap operas. When the doorbell rang, I was highly irritated that I would have to put down the bon bon, pause the Tivo, and get my butt over to open the door. I was even more irritated when I looked through the peephole and saw no one.

I opened the door anyways. Maybe it was a little person. But, it was just a little box addressed to Stevie Carter!

Since he was at school and I couldn't wait for him to get home to open it.....I mean, I decided to help him by opening it, since I'm a loving mom.

A huge thank you to Kelly, Jimmy and Logan Nelson for the new flatware! It sure came in handy last night when we were searching for forks so everyone could eat the yummy key lime pie Marie Callendar.....I mean, Troy made for dessert.


  1. That's so funny about the silverware. I still carry the picture of the xray with the spoon. Let us know when you start running low again.
