The Fishgod Family

Monday, June 22, 2009

The joke is on us.....

The guys at Troy's office are known to play a few pranks on each other. They seem to thrive on telling Troy random things about Texas they feel he needs to know:


1. "Insurance laws are different"--this required Betsy to review policy verbage and determine if we needed to make changes in our policy. We didn't need to make any changes.

2. "It's easy to find your way around."--not so much. Troy's been lost more than he's known where he's going.

3. "You have to water your house."--By the time we heard this last week, we thought we had caught on pretty well to these jokesters.

So we asked around.

Our neighbor, Ernie, showed us his soaker hoses around the house. He said he wasn't good about watering his house until he had to have $7,000 foundation repairs done this spring.

Our other neighbor, John, said this is the only place he's ever lived where you should point your sprinklers to hit the house instead of just away from the house.

I did some research on the internet and here's what I found.....

"The key is to maintain an even moisture level in the soil around the house," said Janie Harris, Texas Agricultural Extension Service housing specialist.
She said people should continue throughout the year to keep constant moisture levels around the foundation but look at other ways to conserve water such as using water conserving low flow toilets and shower heads in the house.

So, now we shall water the house. Can that be a kid chore?

1 comment:

  1. Seriously? Yet another reason why Texas should be its own country.
