The Fishgod Family

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Cinnamon, Spice and Pine Sol

I know this will shock you all to death, but I have become a bit of a domestic goddess since we moved in. I bake brownies. I cook dinner every night except Friday (pizza night). I sweep the floors before Troy comes home every night. I do laundry every single day. I even mow the yard, trim bushes, and rearrange furniture on the back patio.

So, it wasn't a big deal to me when I tackled Steven's room today. I did the basics....scrub walls, baseboards, doorknobs, etc. I swept and even mopped with pine sol! It smelled beautiful!

Then, I walked into the kitchen.

Picture this....unlocked spice cabinet. Steven. Costco size bottle of cinnamon.

Our house smells SOOOOOOOOOOOOO good now! Pine Sol AND cinnamon.


Oh, and for anyone who didn't know this, here is a helpful tip.....rubbing cinnamon directly onto your torso will give you a rash.

You're welcome.



  1. I am terribly impressed that with your domestic goddess skills, and sorry to hear about the cinnamon. At least he got into the cinnamon instead of the pinesol.

  2. Oh my gosh Bets, it must run in the family, your becoming my sister Joyce! At least Stevie got into something that smelled good !
    Glad to hear you are all doing so good though.

  3. Poor Stevie! Is the rash fading yet?


  4. You crack me up!! Love you,
    Aunt Gwen

  5. Too funny! Kids are so fun, aren't they?

