The Fishgod Family

Friday, September 9, 2011

Okay, so it wasn't yesterday.....but here's Megan's update

Megan is doing great.  She is enjoying her sophomore year in high school so far.  She is taking advanced placement courses and is enjoying the challenge.  This semester she is taking AP Chemistry, Psychology, AP World History/Language Arts, and swim team.  She constantly amazes us with her ability to learn and comes home with new bits of knowledge she shares with us each day.  The other day she came home and told us about a psych case study about a guy named "Clive".  This guy suffered a head injury and has only a 30 second memory span.  She spouted off something about a particular part of his brain that was injured.  Evidently, his injury provided tremendous research opportunities that allowed researchers to identify which part of the brain turns short term memories into long term memories.  Since I can't remember what that is called, I believe I must be deficient in this particular brain section......

She had a rough start to the school year with an episode of her bleeding disorder flaring up.  She ended up missing a week of school and spent some time in the hospital getting infusions and some new medications.  While the entire event was difficult, some good did come out of it.  She finally has a team of doctors established that are working together, communicating with each other, and devised an action plan that is proactive.

The new plan involves Megan learning to self-infuse the factor when she needs it.  She has a new "practice" IV kit like the picture shown.  I think I'm more chicken for her to use it.  She's intrigued and can't wait to figure it out!

Swim team has returned with a vengeance.  She has "dry land" strength training 4 mornings a week from 6:00am-7:30am.  Then, they swim from 2:30-4:30 each day.  She is starving when she gets home each evening.  So, she eats, does homework, and goes to bed!

We just found out last night that her first meet is 9/24 in San Antonio.  So, we will be checking to see if Fred and Leslie want to connect and see our little fish swim!  Anyone else who wants to join us in San Antonio is also welcome!

And that is Megan's update.

1 comment:

  1. I love to Meggers is still on the swim team. It sounds like she is balancing swim, school and her social life, which is quite a feat. Give her love from me!
