The Fishgod Family

Monday, September 6, 2010

Daily posts....or good intentions

I will start posting more frequently even if it seems trivial to me. Thank you for your comments!

We have enjoyed our three day weekend like everyone else has. Saturday we had a few friends over to bbq. Sunday and Monday were spent recovering from that! As much as Troy wanted to be social, it was too much for him to be upright for those few hours.

The house is cleaned, laundry is done, backpacks are packed, and we are ready to start another week tomorrow.

Megan is enjoying high school and they are keeping her very busy! She is on a block schedule so she only takes 4 classes per semester. Each course covers the curriculum designed to go one year, so the classes each last 90 minutes per day. She is taking Spanish II, Pre AP Biology, Pre AP Lang Arts/Geography, and JV Swim. She practices two mornings a week with the team from 6am-7:30am, then swims 10 hours a week in the afternoons. They swim an average of 2 miles each day and she still manages to get her homework done each night! We are very proud of her efforts!

Steven is loving being back in the routine of school. He has the same teacher and the same aide that he had last year. In addition, his home support staff comes to school with him so he has 2 adults supervising him at all times. This is necessary for him to be successful at school. They are working on having Steven ride the bus to and from school. Initially he was resistant to getting on the bus, but they have overcome that obstacle. Now, he won't get off the bus when they arrive at school. Unfortunately, he is now 5' 10", weighs 180 and they can't just carry him off the bus! I'll let you know how they decide to handle that!

Troy will be having another procedure on Friday. This time, they will perform a nerve block. He will need to keep a pain diary for the following 4 days. He will see the doctor on 9/14 for follow up. If it is successful, they will schedule the nerve lesion at that time. If it is unsuccessful, they will schedule his surgery at that time. We hope he gets some relief asap!

I am still plugging along with teaching and my masters courses. I'm a bit overwhelmed right now with the beginning of the school year stuff coupled with a very difficult course related to my thesis! I guess I must not be getting enough rest because I came down sick with a summer cold this weekend. I'm glad I had the weekend to sleep alot and hope to feel 100% tomorrow.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Love to all!


  1. Thanks for the update! Hope you are feeling better!

  2. Glad to here the kids are enjoying themselves. To bad Stevens school doesn't have a football team, his big enough to play. I hope the doctors can relieve Troy of his pain soon. It has to be hard on Troy not being able to do much. I hope your cold goes away fast. It can ware you down fast. Keep smiling, Jim
