The Fishgod Family

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Back to the Old Grind

Tomorrow is Steven's favorite day and Megan's least favorite day.....we go back to our daily routine of school. The clothes for the week are picked out and placed in the Monday-Friday slots. Backpacks are cleaned out and ready to go. Lunchboxes are on the counter ready to be packed early tomorrow morning. Jackets are washed and ready to put on (good thing because it's supposed to be 25 degrees tomorrow morning!)

Troy will be heading to the office tomorrow morning....time for his monthly check in so his security badge continues to work.

I am heading back to kindergarten. It's a nice feeling to be looking forward to going back to school after a break.

Hope everyone else's new year is starting off well.


1 comment:

  1. What a way to start the new year off by going back to work. Gwenna goes back to work today so maybe I can get something done around the house. Its hard work trying to figure out what to do around the house. Enjoy it Betsy, Iam sure your kids at school will make you smile.
