The Fishgod Family

Monday, May 18, 2009

1st Day of School

It's here. The first day of school for the kids. They've both had their shots. I've filled out tons of paperwork. We have dotted all of the i's and crossed all of the t's. We're ready.

Megan has her outfit AND accessories all picked out. She has her backpack. She gets her schedule when she arrives at the office. She's ready.

Steven has a surprise coming to him. I have his outfit picked out. I have his backpack. His teacher gets a surprise when Steven arrives:) We've packed the m&ms. He's ready.

I'm hoping that their schools are as wonderful for them as they appear to be to us parents. Every aspect of moving here has been great. We chose our home based on school district, narrowed down to best schools within the district, narrowed down to distance to the schools. I'm hoping that tonight I can post that both kids had a wonderful day at school and are looking forward to going back tomorrow......

To be continued.

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