The Fishgod Family

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Our baby is growing up

Megan is 13 going on 30. That movie really is her life--backwards. She's so grown up now. Today she baked lemon bars and said, "Mom, can you please make sure Dad gets some of these when I'm babysitting tonight?" She's babysitting! She's the one in charge of 3 other children and THEY respect her as a grown up. How did that happen so fast? Wasn't it just yesterday that SHE needed the babysitter? She has her own money now. She rarely asks us for any. It's so weird.

Tonight, as Troy works late, Megan babysits and Steven and I rock out to Barney, I realized that our baby girl really is growing up. Before long, she really will be all grown up. I'm soooo not ready for that.

Although she did offer to "take the Explorer off your hands" when she turns 16. Maybe she's not quite as grown up and I can hold on to my illusions a little bit longer.....

1 comment:

  1. I remember the first time we saw Megan at your house. She was so little and sweet. It sure is hard to believe that 13 years have gone by and here she is a responsible teenager!! I am proud of her and proud of you and Troy. You are all amazing!! I love you guys and miss you being here. Love, Aunt Gwennie
