The Fishgod Family

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What a week....and it's only Wednesday?

Hello All,

Thought this week's events warranted an update via the blog instead of the myriad of phone calls it would take to update all of you.

Let's go back to Sunday.....we had a lovely time at Megan's swim team end of year banquet.  Troy did well and lasted almost the entire 4 hours!  However, that evening he developed some increased pain in his right leg.  By 3am, his right foot was throbbing.  The next morning he couldn't bear weight on the right leg or foot.  He wanted to give it some time to get better in case it was a flare up related to nerves in the spine. 

I called the doctor on Monday afternoon and the said it sounded like a "flare up" related to the nerve issues in his lumbar spine.  They scheduled him for an injection procedure on Tuesday afternoon.

Troy followed all pre-surgery meds, no coffee, etc.  Tuesday afternoon came and so did the tornados.  The surgery center called as we were getting ready to head out and cancelled the procedure.  They rescheduled for today.

Today, Troy followed the pre-surgery meds, no coffee, etc.    We head to the surgery center.  They take him back for pre-op, start the IV and looked at his foot.  The doctor decided it was a no go.  The foot looked "not normal" for a flare up.  It was swollen (more than it had been), red, and warm to the touch.

They sent us to another doctor to figure out what it was.  Troy has no fever.  There are no signs of a bite, a scratch, a lesion, etc.  They did x-rays and there are no breaks.  They showed it to a foot/ankle specialist who wants to see Troy next week....after antibiotics and anti-inflammatory meds.  For right now, they are treating it as an infection.

And, the pain doctor said it's time for Troy to go back on disability.  Troy is worn out mentally, physically and emotionally.  So, tomorrow we make the calls to start the disability leave.

Tomorrow we also have an MRI scheduled for his lumbar spine.  The new neurosurgeon needs an updated MRI in order to re-submit to insurance to get the fusion approved.  Then, we are scheduled to see the neurosurgeon again on 4/23 to review the MRI and resubmit to insurance.  We had to take that appointment because we've been trying to limit my time off work by requesting late afternoon appointments.  Since I am currently on a leave of absence (as of yesterday), I will begin stalking the neurosurg to see if he can get us in sometime Friday or Monday to review the MRI in order to speed up the process.

The neurologist also called yesterday to schedule the 48 hr. EEG due to the seizures.  I'll try to get that worked in over the next few days too.

So, that's our week in a nutshell.

We are going to sit on the couch and watch TV tonight and try to relax a bit.

Love to all,

1 comment:

  1. The foot looks just like gout. See this:;_ylt=A2KJkIUUCn1P8RYAELeJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n?
