The Fishgod Family

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tomorrow is the day

We are hastily preparing for Steven's admission to the new place tomorrow. We will leave Dallas about 9am and head to Abilene in time for a meeting at 1pm. We will have several meetings down there on Wednesday, meeting with a doctor, then Steven will get to go to his new home. We will get to go with him to meet his roommates etc. Steven will stay at his dorm Wednesday night and the rest of us will stay in a hotel.

We appreciate all the kind words and calls. We'll try to update the blog tomorrow with pictures of his new place and details that we learn.



  1. May God be with you to help and protect you and hold you in his heart. I love you all and know this will be hard but you always face every challenge with fortitude and courage. Know that you all are loved and I am thinking of you and praying for you.
    Aunt Gwen

  2. Hugs and prayers for all of you that this transition goes as well as it possibly can. (((Bets, Troy, Megan and Steven)))

    Love, Erlene

  3. ((( Bets, Troy, Megan and Steven))) Hugs and prayers for each of you. I pray this transition goes as well as possible!
    Love Erlene

  4. Sorry bets the first one didn't post so I wrote again!
