The Fishgod Family

Monday, March 15, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

Yesterday was our 18th wedding anniversary. Troy and I were lucky enough to get a date day. We went to Ikea, out for dinner and for a walk. All in all, it was a great day.
When we came home, we were told to go upstairs and close our eyes. Megan and Christina were very busy while we were gone. This is what they brought upstairs!

They made it completely from scratch! They even dyed the fondant pink to make the ribbon and the bow on top. Their hands are stained like a pink smurf!

Earlier in the day, Megan, Steven and Christina went to the neighborhood school to play on the playground. The weather is absolutely beautiful right now and it was a perfect day to play outside!

Steven really liked the slide!

But he wanted to climb back up the slide each time he came down.

Megan and Steven also some bonding time on the swing!

Seeing our kids interact like this was really a great gift!

Sweet times!

They had a great time.
And, so did we. It was a great day all around!


  1. 18 years??!! Time goes by fast when you are having a good time, huh?!! Love the pictures, the pink hands, the smiles!! Those two Sunshines are growing toooo fast!!!Time to put more days like this on the calendar cause Spring brings more beautiful days like this one!!!:))

  2. The good days always seem to out weigh the bad days. Great pictures of the kids. They look great. Happy Anniversary to you and Troy.

  3. Happy Anniversary Bets! Those pictures of Stevie and Meggers were too precious!

  4. Happy belated anniversary. Glad it was a nice day and you had a date night too. :)

  5. That's from Erlene. :)
