The Fishgod Family

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Things are looking up

Steven has done remarkably well with the move to Texas. However, some things still need to get worked out. His home program and a respite provider have been the biggest goals of mine. Unfortunately, neither of those were coming along with any certainty.
Yesterday was a particulary rough day. I made a bunch of phone calls and we are finally getting somewhere! The behavior specialist from the school district came over today. He will helping to design, train and implement Steven's home program. He will be coming twice a week for 6 weeks to get things going.
I've interviewed several potential respite providers, but none that really felt like a good fit. Today, I interviewed Sarah. I believe she is going to work out nicely.
We have 19 days of vacation left until school starts. Sarah will start on 8/17. Kids go back to school 8/24. I will begin subbing whenever I'm needed at the district. I think it will be good for all of us to get into routines and start meeting new friends!
aaah. Now I can sleep again at night!


  1. Good luck with the new girl! I hope she is as good as your previous respite worker from a couple years back...what was her name again? She was the bomb :) JK With all severity that is great news and I am happy for you!

  2. Betsy you are the best organizer, action getter of anyone I know. I am amazed and proud of the woman you have become. I love and respect you for your sense of humor, your love for your family, and your incredible strength. I know things will get better for you. Keep your chin up. Love you. Aunt G.

  3. I meant sincerity, not severity above...geez Kelly
