The Fishgod Family

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Mallet Mommy

Remember the Gypsy Curse? It struck again.

Last night, I was cleaning ice cream off the seat of my car. I was scrubbing it good....heck, the car is still new right? Anyways, I jammed my left ring finger and heard a crack. I thought I just cracked my knuckle.

When I got done cleaning a minute or two later, my finger looked like the picture above. I couldn't straighten it. That finger and parts of my hand were tingling. Troy said a visit to the ER was in order. Since Steven was asleep, I decided to drive myself to the ER.

The doctor looked at it and said it could be (A) or (B).

(A) is an easier fix....this would be the tip of the finger broke and the tendon with it. All it requires is a splint for 6-8 weeks while the bone heals and the tendon is already attached to the little broken piece of bone. When the bone heals, the tendon is ready to do its job.

(B) is a little more involved.....this is where there is no break, just the tendon is ruptured. Since the tendon needs to be attached, it requires surgery.

Then he did the x-ray.

Guess who got (B)?

If you guessed me, then you are right.

I see the orthopedic surgeon tomorrow morning and they will schedule surgery for sometime Monday or Tuesday. Fortunately, it doesn't hurt. It's just irritating because I am left handed and the splint makes things awkward to do. Let's hope it heals quickly before Troy leaves for South Africa.

Thanks Gypsies.



  1. Oh no! I am sorry Bets- that is horrible! Here is hoping for a quick recovery.

  2. Bummer! Hope that goes well and heals quickly. What is the prognosis on the kitty?

  3. my finger got tingly just reading that.


  4. Good thing you don't need that finger for texting!
    Ah Bets, is the a Saint somebody to ward of gypsies? We could send this blog to the Pope or something...
    Aunt Les
