The Fishgod Family

Friday, August 5, 2011

A summary of our day......

Jumped through hoops to get Megan's hardship drivers license.  We got all 34 hours of driving done.  We got all 32 hours of learning modules done.  We stood in line 5 TIMES at the licensing department.

Today, we went to get her hardship license.

They granted her a hardship license for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 3:30-5:30 to get herself to and from physical therapy.  Sounds great right?


She rides the bus to school.  She rides the bus from school to swim team.  She doesn't have a way home from swim team to get a car to drive to physical therapy.  They won't allow her hardship exception to allow her to drive herself to school and to swim.  She can't get a ride home from a friend to get the car because they are still in the water until 4:30.

So, the hardship license and all it entails is useless.

Megan is disappointed and I feel terrible for her. But, we will manage and will continue to let her drive us around!  As least we get another year of her being forced to spend time with us!  Once she has her real license, I'm sure she will be gone all the time!

She will keep her permit until she turns 16 and will get her license next summer.

In the meantime, she will be the most well-trained designated driver in town.

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