Several things are finally done---
Troy's surgeries are finally done! We hope! His most recent procedure was done on 12/29 and he is recovering more quickly than expected. Yahoo! I see great improvements in his mental capacity since his pain level is decreased. I know he is feeling better when he starts asking about when he can go back to work. It will be at least a few more weeks and is dependent on the results of the neuro psych eval results that we should receive this week.
The garage project is now done. Both cars are parked in the garage. Not a lot of room to maneuver, but they are shielded from the ice! This will come in handy tomorrow morning when I return to school bright and early. Or should I say dark and early?
My obsession with the weather has become easier to track! For Christmas, Dad and Bev got us this really cool indoor remote thermometer. There is a device outside that gathers the information about the temps, moon phase, humidity and it shows up automatically on this cool thing on my end table. For anyone interested, it is currently 46 degrees with 30% humidity outside. This morning it was 26 degrees. I might start updating the blog with weather updates just to amuse myself!
The laundry is done, kitchen cleaned, house tidied, and I am ready for a new week tomorrow. I even got all the debris removal stuff outside on the curb way before 6pm!!! I expected a visit from the code enforcement staff again, but so far no one has come by.
It's strange how quickly this two week break went. Normally, I am ready to go back to school on the Wednesday before we actually return. This break has been different. The time flew by and I could use another week off. I think Troy is looking forward to a quiet week around the house without me and Megan coming and going and making noises!
Megan is also not ready to return to school. She said it feels like it should be summer since she knows she is going back in time to take finals. They also get a day off of school after finals before starting the new semester. It's strange how fast her first year of high school is going by.
Steven is totally ready to go back to school. He loves his routines. They moved to a new dorm the week before school break, so he has been experiencing lots of new things. He has a new house, new room, new roommate, dorm style bathroom, and he just wants things to go back to normal. Enough of all the change already! Steven will be happy as a clam to return to regularly scheduled programming tomorrow!
We hope everyone is enjoying the first few days of the new year. So far, our 2011 is much better than 2010 was! We hope that is true for you as well.
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