The Fishgod Family

Monday, October 4, 2010

It's going to be a long week!

We went back to Troy's doctor today for a follow up from last week's visit. They have signed him off work until at least 11/2. He has more neuro psych testing to get scheduled. They will keep him on dilaudid (spelling?) for the next month to help with the pain while the nerves heal. He's getting really down in the dumps and is tired of feeling pain all the time. Please keep him in your thoughts and send him a joke or two via email if you see any good ones come to your in box!

This week is a busy one for Megan. On Wednesday night, she will be participating in the homecoming parade. She was nominated as one of the "ladies of the court" for the homecoming dance. Thursday evening she has her first swim meet. Friday night, the homecoming football game. Saturday night, the homecoming dance.

Sunday, we are hoping Troy will feel well enough to make the drive down to see Steven for a few hours.

Fortunately, we have Monday off of school to recover from all the busy evenings we have this week!

1 comment:

  1. So happy for Megs...what an honor to be on the court! Hope it's a week of fun and prayers for continued healing for Troy and perseverance and energy for you my dear. Love you tons....
