The Fishgod Family

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Nerve Update

Troy had the nerve lesion yesterday morning. The doctors cauterized 3 nerves in his neck. They warned him that it would be a painful recovery for the first 5-7 days since they drilled through some bone and moved muscles around in the neck to get to the affected nerves. If the pain was not handled by the pain meds they prescribed, they told us to call them.

We called yesterday afternoon because Troy was having a headache, dizziness, continued numbness in his arms, and nausea. They sent us to the ER. The ER gave Troy lots of meds to reduce his pain, relax his muscles, and get rid of the nausea. They sent him home yesterday evening with some additional drugs to get him through this next week.

Last night continued to be rough but better than earlier in the day. He is on a 4 hour medication schedule so I set the alarm to wake us at the right times during the night. The doctor's goal is to get Troy to sleep through this next 4-6 days when the recovery is the worst.

More updates later.


  1. I sure hope this works for him. Hang in there Troy. Jim

  2. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this works! Ang
