The Fishgod family is really hitting the doctors this week..... Monday, Troy met with the neurologist for the nerve conduction study. The test is very painful and involved sticking needles into his muscles and providing a little electric shock to measure reaction time. Megan and I had a follow up appointment at the dentist.
Tuesday, Megan got to finally have her sports physical for JV swim team. That went well and she is ready for swim team on Monday!
Wednesday, I had a follow up with my surgeon. I am given the all clear and the doc is proud of my progress. I am averaging 3.7 pounds lost per week and will go back in 6 more weeks. My total weight loss is 38 lbs as of today. It feels good.
Tomorrow is a big day. We are seeing the pain specialist again since Troy has not experienced any relief from the injection last week. We tried to go out to dinner this evening and he was miserable after about a half an hour. When I spoke with the nurse on Tuesday, she indicated the doctor would discuss the care plan options regarding another injection or going in a different direction. She was very vague when answering my questions.
This morning, we finally got the truck back from the body shop. It looks great, runs great, and will sit in the driveway for a while!
Tomorrow is a big day for Megan and I as well. She gets to pick up her high school schedule and textbooks. I have "meet the teacher" at school tomorrow night. I wish they would call it "meet the student" because teachers are equally excited to see who is in our class!
We have been very fortunate to have great people stepping in to help us out. Our friend's sister, Erika, has been driving Troy to various appointments and even took him to visit a cake shop to get him out of the house. He's bored without being able to work and frustrated at his physical limitations. The ladies from my Bible study dropped off prepared meals for this week, which has really helped since I am juggling being back at work and trying to get ready for school to start next week and leaving in time for the various appointments. Tomorrow we will hopefully get the details about what next week will involve and we can figure out those logistics at that time.
That's it for now.....
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