Then, he turned and looked the other way and saw this picture above. It's really beautiful.
We're a little concerned about our neighbor's tree shown in the above picture! The weather is supposed to get worse throughout today and they expect everything to turn to ice overnight.
School is cancelled today so the kids and I are at home, snuggling in with a warm blanket. Fortunately, Troy can work from home today, too!
I'll have to check my flight to see if I am still leaving tonight!
Those pictures look like they could be postcards!! At least you guys get to snuggle up at home and don't have to drive in it.
nice pictures. snow always looks nice before people walk and drive on it. Stay warm.
That is just beautiful Bets. What a bonus you get to stay home and keep enjoying the beauty that will enfold throughout the day. Here it's forecasted to up to 78 by midweek next week. Oi ve! Love and missing you tons. I need to call soon and catch up with you. Love you. If you're on FB later, maybe we can e-chat for a bit?
Such a pretty picture!