The Fishgod Family

Friday, May 22, 2009

Free Bagel Friday and Code Enforcement

We just got back from a nice little outing at Einstein's Bagels. Turns out they have "Free Bagel Fridays" according to a mailer we received! We got yummy bagels and were feeling refreshed and happy.

As we were driving up our street, we saw a city code enforcement vehicle parked in front of our house. Now, you know we aren't the "bad neighbor" type, but apparently, someone in this neighborhood thinks so! Here's a little background....

Last Friday, at 2pm, the moving trailers were dropped off. We got them unloaded Friday night before it started raining again on Saturday. We called the moving company and requested they pick up the trailers. Saturday at 4pm, the police dropped by. Turns out there is an ordinance against trailers being parked in front of a house for longer than 24 hours. So, the trailers were going to be towed.....Troy talked to the very nice police officer and explained our situation. Then, he called the moving company and had them get moved asap. Problem solved. We were now neighbors in good standing.

Until today.

This morning, I tackled the front yard. Now, this house has been vacant for 18 months. The people who lived here before then really didn't care much for the house. Ivan bought it and fixed it up, planted grass in front, and here we are living in it. The inside is beautiful, but the outside still needs some TLC.

This morning I mowed, weed eated, edged, trimmed bushes, sprayed round up where needed, and cleaned up sidewalks, etc. In the meantime, our trash bucket is missing one wheel and a lid. The city has been saying they will replace it since last the meantime, we should not put anything in it. So, we have nicely stacked the trash bags in front of the garage until the new bin is delivered. I added the yard debris, nicely stacked, with the other trash.

I made the effort to tidy up the yard. I made the effort to neatly stack the debris. I even weed-eated the front of my shins and drew blood. But, code enforcement gave us a warning and 7 days to clean it up. Our new best friend is Sasha at the Code Enforcement Department. She said she gets a lot of "nit picky" calls from this neighborhood and she appreciated our cooperation.

I'm never mowing the yard again.

I wonder what the neighborhood "picky person" would do if Steven ran out of the house naked?!!! Could make for an interesting Memorial Day weekend!



  1. hm...that would be a great way to see if they have a code for naked boys running down the street on Memorial Day weekend.

  2. Betsy, other than nitpicky code enforcement neighbors, it sounds like heaven. I'm truly happy for you. Both kids look great and seem to be settling in wonderfully. YAY for trading phone numbers and saying bubbles!!!! :)

  3. You poor thing! That is awesome you did so much work- you are superwoman!
