The Fishgod Family

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Joe the gentleman

So, Megan and Joe have been a couple for about 2 weeks now. In that time, we've gotten to know him a little better and we continue to like him more and more.

This week, he did something very sweet. He walked Megan home from school. All the way to the door. He even held her lunchbox and binder while she searched for her keys.

Today, it is raining pretty hard. Joe was escorting students who didn't have any umbrella out to their parents car so they could be sheltered by his umbrella.

Tonight, the kids have a math review assignment to work on. It's due tomorrow and it's approximately 10% of their grade. Joe accidentally left his math book at school and asked Megan if he could borrow hers tonight after she was done with her homework.

We drove over to Joe's house about 6pm. Megan ran to the door while I waited in the car. Joe's sister answered the door and Megan asked to see Joe. The sister invites Megan in the house, then turns around to go get Joe. She stops a few steps away and turns back to Megan, and says, "You're the GIRLFRIEND!!!" Megan said she kinda nodded and wasn't sure what to say. So, the sister hollered for the other sister and the mom to come and see "Joe's girlfriend." Meg said they were all very nice, but they were appraising her like she was piece of artwork.

Pretty funny!


Monday, January 25, 2010

Daddy's Home!

We picked Troy up from the airport tonight! We were all very excited to see him!

I'm especially excited that he gets to help Megan with her algebra homework tonight! She is doing math in 8th grade that I struggled with my junior year in high school. She is one smart kid!

We were glad that he could go support our friend during the loss of her mother. And, Troy enjoyed having some special one on one time with his own Mom.


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Report Cards

It's report card time for our school district. Megan and Steven received theirs yesterday. I got mine this morning online from University of Phoenix master's program.

Megan impressed us with her report card of all A's and 1 B+. Her teachers report that she is prepared, organized and participates well. She is thriving in her new school and is getting excited for high school next year.

Steven's report card pleased us, but perplexed us. Steven's "grades" reflect his progress on individual education goals and objectives that are written each year. He has mostly A's and B's and 1 C. Sounds great, right? But, then I look and see that he has 2 successes in 6 attempts.....that's 33%, but he got a B. He got a C in his goal for self-injurous behaviors. How can he get a C when he is biting himself 120 times per week????? I believe it's time a new ARD meeting with the team.

My report card also came. For those who don't know, I am working on my masters in Education curriculum and instruction. I'm on my third class and have a 3.78 gpa. I'm kinda disappointed in that....I was planning on 4.0. But, I guess I need to remember my high school grades and early college grades......(let's not go there).

So, I guess we're all doing well. Maybe we should make Troy go back to school too!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Wow! Our house smells good.

Steven has helped us make the house a scent overload. Tonight, he got into the coffee grounds we accidentally bought....they are stronly french vanilla scented.

Then, he wriggled his hand into the spice cabinet and found the garlic powder.

Our house now smells strongly of french vanilla and garlic...ugh.


Friday, January 15, 2010

The Old Gray Mare.....and the new Young Stud

Last night, my ankle was aching. I didn't think much about it since it was going to rain today and the ankle acts up when it rains because of previous injuries. Today I started having some sharp pain in my ankle when I walked. I couldn't figure out why. Nothing happened. I didn't trip. I didn't roll it. I literally did nothing. As the day progressed it got worse. So, I decided to have it looked at.

Good thing I did. There are two bone chips that have broken off. I am now in a boot and have to stay in it a few weeks. After that, I have to see a foot and ankle specialist to determine the next step. I'm allowed to walk on it. I'm allowed to drive....sort of. Anyways, I'm officially getting older. As Troy was singing to me tonight, "The old gray mare just ain't what she used to be....." (He will be sleeping on the couch for that!)

On a more positive note, Megan is not upset about me posting infomation about Joe. She even sent me a picture of Joe and it's okay for us to blog about him.

So that's another lively day in the Fishgod family.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Megan and Joe

Megan has a boyfriend. A real live boyfriend. The kind that walks her to class and asked her to a movie this weekend. The kind that texts her because he misses her after school gets out.

His name is Joe. He's lived in the neighborhood for most of his life. Megan's friend, Keren, knows Joe and his family and she vouches for him. Turns out that Joe's parents are divorced and his Dad lives about 9 houses down the street from us. Joe is in advanced classes with Megan and runs on the cross country team.

I'll try to post a picture of the new little couple as soon as I get one! Can you believe she's this grown up now?


Sunday, January 10, 2010


Troy and Steven are huge fans of football! Troy is the armchair coach and Steven is his assistant. Whenever the team on the screen needs coaching, Troy hoots and hollers. Steven immediately imitates Troy's coaching! The boys go back and forth and are quite enthusiastic!

Megan and I sit on another couch and laugh at the silly boys!

The Cards game is providing great humor for us!

Friday, January 8, 2010

2010 is the year of weather

Okay, I think the weather in Texas is amusing and have pretty much worn it out as a discussion topic in this blog. I was going to commit myself to writing about things other than the weather. But, 13 degrees? Come on! And the wind chill is 2 degrees? For real? I just had to comment on this.


Monday, January 4, 2010

I'm getting married!!!!!!

Today was our first day back at school. My kindergarten students are still at the age that they LOVE, LOVE, LOVE me. They give me hugs every morning when they arrive and again when they leave.

One student missed me ALOT over break. He kept telling his mom how much he missed me. His mom made the mistake of telling him the only way he could spend more time with me is if we get married.

Guess who proposed to Mrs. G. this morning? My student. I've even attached a picture of my engagement ring. His mom apologized for putting me in the awkward position of explaining that I am already married........he said I could keep the ring anyways.


Sunday, January 3, 2010

Back to the Old Grind

Tomorrow is Steven's favorite day and Megan's least favorite day.....we go back to our daily routine of school. The clothes for the week are picked out and placed in the Monday-Friday slots. Backpacks are cleaned out and ready to go. Lunchboxes are on the counter ready to be packed early tomorrow morning. Jackets are washed and ready to put on (good thing because it's supposed to be 25 degrees tomorrow morning!)

Troy will be heading to the office tomorrow morning....time for his monthly check in so his security badge continues to work.

I am heading back to kindergarten. It's a nice feeling to be looking forward to going back to school after a break.

Hope everyone else's new year is starting off well.


Friday, January 1, 2010

Leaves and Teenagers

Today we tackled all the leaves in the backyard. We've put it off as long as possible, but debris removal comes on Monday and I want them out of here!
We got started with Megan and I raking all the leaves into big piles, then Troy would come through and scoop them into the trash can. It was only 34 degrees out when we started and Troy's hands started getting cold. He asked Megan to go in and get him some gloves. She couldn't find any from the garage, but she used her resources! She brought a kitchen oven mit and plastic cleaning gloves for Troy to choose from.
We had a fun morning full of laughs!