The Fishgod Family

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Weatherman is a nut!

Seriously, I don't think the man has ever even LOOKED at the sky, much less studied meteorology (is that the right word?). Monday he said 30% chance of rain and it poured all day. Tuesday he said 50% chance of rain and it didn't rain at all. Wednesday he said 30% chance of rain and it only rained in the morning for an hour. Today he says 20% chance and it's pouring rain, streetlights are out, a tornado was spotted about 5 miles south of here....... I'm telling you the guy needs a new job!

Regardless, I am heading out to the school district to learn how to be a substitute teacher. I have my umbrella and closed toed shoes, so I'm ready to navigate the parking lot, from the car to the building, in a downpour.

Maybe I'll see the weather guy there looking for a job:)


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Our baby is growing up

Megan is 13 going on 30. That movie really is her life--backwards. She's so grown up now. Today she baked lemon bars and said, "Mom, can you please make sure Dad gets some of these when I'm babysitting tonight?" She's babysitting! She's the one in charge of 3 other children and THEY respect her as a grown up. How did that happen so fast? Wasn't it just yesterday that SHE needed the babysitter? She has her own money now. She rarely asks us for any. It's so weird.

Tonight, as Troy works late, Megan babysits and Steven and I rock out to Barney, I realized that our baby girl really is growing up. Before long, she really will be all grown up. I'm soooo not ready for that.

Although she did offer to "take the Explorer off your hands" when she turns 16. Maybe she's not quite as grown up and I can hold on to my illusions a little bit longer.....

Monday, July 27, 2009

30% Chance of Thunderstorms

That's what the weatherman said.....30% chance of scattered thunderstorms to be exact! Well, the thunderstorm was settled above our house most of the day. It was a beautiful day of light rains interspersed with torrential downpours and crazy wind. It was a nice change, and it got me to thinking about the weather differences between Arizona and Texas.

In Arizona, they have hot days and kids don't get recess. Steven can wear sandals year round. Rain is an event and people don't know how to drive in it. We didn't even own umbrellas.

In Texas, it rains. Life goes on. We own umbrellas and USE them. People drive crazy fast in the rain. Megan's hair gets a little frizzy. It's not a big deal.

So, I have a few questions that I don't know where to find the answers.....for example:

1. When it rains, do the kids still ride bikes and walk to school?
2. What is appropriate rain gear for the kids to wear to school?
3. Where do I buy such gear?
4. Where does all the water go so quickly?

Fortunately, I'll probably have a chance to find out because the same weatherman is forecasting 50% chance of rain tomorrow.....that must mean it's going to pour all day long. We'll see:)


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

And the doctor says.....

Steven is on the road to recovery. We have to go back on 8/12 for final follow up, but things are vastly improved from a week ago! Surgery has been avoided, everyone has survived and we are ready for the next challenge being sent our way.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009


You know how sometimes life seems like it's every man for himself? Drivers cutting each other off, people being rude to each other, just get the feeling that you're all alone in this vast world. Well, today I got a blatant reminder to keep my eyes out for the little blessings each day instead of just seeing the other stuff.

A little background....Last Wednesday, Steven's school called and asked me pick him up. He had been raging for two hours and showing no signs of settling. I went to get him and they had ALOT of administrators there....the summer school principal, the behavior specialist, the diagnostician, the interventionist, the psychologist.....they wanted to meet to discuss this behavior. I explained that this isn't typical unless something is wrong. And, as we found out at the ER that evening, there was something wrong. He has slowly been recovering and we are hopeful the doctor will tell us tomorrow that he can go back to school.

In the meantime, at least one of the above people have called each day to check up on the little man. They only met Steven when summer school started 6/23. I thought that was really kind.

We've also received emails from friends and family checking up on the fam and making sure we're holding up okay. Again, another kindness in the world.

Today, I went to Steven's school to get some paperwork they said I needed to have. Instead of paperwork, they provided dinner for our family. Homemade spagetti and meatballs, salad, watermelon and even dessert. They even provided a bag of Steven's favorite snacks. How sweet is that?

I'll admit that I've been feeling lonely for my friends and family lately. The newness of moving has passed and some loneliness has set in. I've been feeling a bit sorry for myself and thinking I'd never make friends.

Now, I'm going to try and have a whole new attitude.....I'm going to watch for those little blessings each day and focus on those. That will get me through the next month until we start school and I have a chance to make some new friends.

I hope everyone else can take a little time each day and look for the blessings in your life.

Thank you, everyone, for your kindness. It is appreciated more than you know.


Saturday, July 18, 2009

A little update

We've had a bit of a rough week with Steven having yet another "weird" ailment. The doctor has prescribed antibiotics, vicodin and ativan to get Steven through the pain involved. If he is not well on the way to recovery by Tuesday, he will have surgery.

For those that have asked:

No, we don't know why these weird things happen continuously to our family. We are pretty sure Troy pissed off God in a past life. Or, there is a gypsy curse following us. Whatever the cause, we're dang tired of being tested, stretched and just plain old tired.

Might not post for a little while, but feel free to email us directly if you want to contact us.


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Summer Fun with bubbles!

Today has been a long day....not a bad day, just a long day.

We've been searching for things to do that aren't "boring" and don't involve housework!

I decided a shower was in order and asked Megan to keep an eye on Steven in the bathtub (occupies him so he won't get into all my bathroom stuff) while I take a shower.

I figured it couldn't be bad....what messes could they make?

Here's what they came up with!

Megan covered Steven in the blue foam bubble bath. Steven would eat the bubbles, spit them out into the water, and Megan would squirt more on him! The water turned blue with all the bubbles they had used! It was fun to see them interacting!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

A new addition

Spike, our wonder kitty, has become very lonely since Pearl passed away. He has taken to meowing ALL NIGHT LONG because he is lonely.

We decided it was time to get him a little buddy to play with. So, here he is....SPAZ!
Spaz is about 11 weeks old and very mellow for a kitten. So far, so good!

Friday, July 3, 2009

A Family Affair

Today, we had to install a ceiling fan in the vaulted ceiling of our living room. The project sounds easy enough, right? Wrong.....

Here's Troy on the ladder....14 feet up.

He reaches the pinnacle.......

Steven also decided to help out. He has recently taken to turning light switches on and off...depending on their current position. While Troy was up on the ladder working on the wiring, Steven decided to turn on the switch.
Troy taped it.
As soon as Troy was back up on the ladder, Steven untaped it.
Troy re-taped it.
As soon as Troy was back up on the ladder, Steven untaped it.
Troy retaped it's the end product.

Wisely, Megan played Sims3 and I was grocery shopping during this part of the adventure!
Our ceiling fan is comfortably moving air....and we even have a remote that Steven can play hide and seek with!